Santa Rosa Mountains Day Trip (optional camp ground for overnight)

Starting Point: CA-15/Deer Springs Rd. Park & Ride 5VXG+99 Jesmond Dene, Escondido, CA, United States
Attendance: 4 / 8

Trip Description:  Rating: Easy, bouncy backroads with great views at high elevation. Details: This trip will be to the Santa Rosa Mountains in nearby Riverside County, between Anza and Palm […]

[CANCELLED] San Bernardino Mountains Camping

Starting Point: CA-15/Deer Springs Rd. Park & Ride 5VXG+99 Jesmond Dene, Escondido, CA, United States

Cancelled due to the Line fire. Stay tuned...we're working on an alternative trip.  Trip Description:  Rating: Easy/Moderate. Some challenging areas with beautiful views. Details: Saturday We will start the trail […]

Kofa National Wildlife Refuge

Attendance: 3 / 8

Trip Description:  Rating: Easy, with moderate sections we will take slowly.  Route: We will explore trails in Kofa National Wildlife Refuge. Since this is a longer drive to access the […]