It was a hot one!!! I believe we had a total of 9 Rovers. The group met at Dudley’s where we loaded up on sandwiches and bear claws. After a quick group meeting we hit the 78. A turn on Split mountain road and onto Fish Creek where we would air down. Our first stop would be the wind caves where we would hike about a mile uphill in the heat!! Who’s idea was this anyway? At the top we huddled under shady caves and chatted for a while then made our decent and headed for Diablo drop off. Everyone made it up the first hill just fine, the second would be a different story. Big holes and loose fine sand made it challenging. At this point we decided to break for lunch and exchange some more stories and tech talk. After lunch we headed to Sandstone Canyon where we enjoyed narrow Canyon and quite a bit of shade. The first obstacle was quite narrow only a few proceeded from there, and even fewer through the “Gatekeeper”. Some came along for the ride and some stayed behind and enjoyed some refreshments. It was pushing 4:00 at this point so we headed decided we had enough and headed to camp. Our campsite was perfect, shaded and white soft sand where you just had to go barefoot, (spotted a scorpion the next day so won’t be doing that again). Food, Campfire and a good time was had by all.
Want to thank Nik, Gabriel and Lina for their assistance. Also want to give a shout out to our new folks in the group, they did great! Look forward to the next one!