May 20, 2024, Carlsbad Village
After a significant amount of consideration (and failing with 2 used parts from e-bay) I decided to bite the bullet and take the Green Machine into Carlsbad British Motorcars to have a new brake “servo” (because you can charge as much if you call it a ‘booster’?) ordered and installed. They will also properly bleed the system.
It’s not like this is a difficult job; I am more than qualified to do the repair in my driveway. However, having had a recent shoulder surgery I listened to the smarter side of my brain, and decided not to push my luck. And, since I guess brakes are kinda important to have working properly, the added peace of mind of a job properly done is a bonus.

🏔**LRCSD Trail Leader is a volunteer position. We have leaders with a ride range of trail experience – you do NOT need to have competed in a Camel Trophy or be able to navigate narrow trails blindfolded. Interested in becoming a trail leader? Or maybe you’d like to hear more about what would entail, please Email The Board or inquire at the next club meeting!